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Psychic Attack? What is it? Is it true?

The best way to describe psychic attack is how Teal Swan describes it below. We must be an energetic match in order for it to work. Basically, you cannot match that same energy frequency. Nothing can assert itself into your reality against your will. The most crucial step to dealing with psychic attack is to recognize that psychic attackers are not attackers, they are messengers for parts of your unconscious shadow that craves to be seen, felt and integrated. They are a call to “heal” unhealed parts within you.

Psychic attack is a fancy name for negative energy being focused at you with the conscious or subconscious intention to inflict harm upon you, or any aspect of your life. Focus manipulates and moves energy. Harm can be focused towards your emotional, physical, spiritual or mental state. Those negative energies are projected in the form of thought and intention. The way that people feel towards us and think about us as well as their intention towards us produces strong energy signatures. When we become a match to these strong negative energy signatures, like anything, they affect us. ~Teal Swan~

The best way to deal with type of energy is to raise your vibration by strengthening your auric field. This can be done through meditation by clearing, balancing and protecting your energetic body. You are accountablefor what you allow in and out of your auric field. Surrounding yourself in a white flame and watching this flame expand a grow. Cut cords before you go to bed, imagine a cord between yourself and any person or thing that comes to mind, the cord originating from your belly. Using a pair of imaginary scissors, cut the cord between youself and any external energy that you envision. Take salt baths and practice regular self care. Use sage and smudge. Carrying obsidian, black tourmaline and selenite can also help. Just remember the lower entities can't touch you be elevating to a highter vibration. This is one of the most powerful protection techniques.

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